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About Us

The Eagle Academy Foundation empowers at-risk inner city young men to become academic achievers, engaged citizens, and responsible men by providing quality education, resources and proven effective community-based initiatives to address the shortfalls in public education to effectively educate them.

Today, the Eagle Academy Foundation and its network of public schools stand as a national model of academic excellence and social success for urban young men. Eagle Academy's 2013-2014 high school graduation rate is 78% compared to 50% in NYC and 52% Nationally for young men of color. 100% of Eagle Academy graduates were accepted to college. Eagle Academy graduates have been accepted by our nation's most prestigious universities and colleges, such as the Univerisity of Pennsylvania, the United States Military Academy at West Point, Carnegie Mellon University, and Morehouse College, to name just a few. Most importantly, all Eagle Academy young men embrace the ideal that hard work and strong character combined with academic achievement define success.

Eagle Academy has been described as one of the "beacons of light with outstanding leaders that are doing a great job saving hundreds of children."(2010 Schott State Report on Black Males and Education)

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“Creating a new pipeline of academic and social success for inner city young men.”
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