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Our Schools

Eagle Academies in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Newark and Harlem are traditional public schools, enrolling students from their surrounding areas.

Eagle Bronx
4143 Third Avenue
Bronx, NY 10457
Approximately 535 students
Grades: new 6th grade expansion in
September 2011, high school
grades 6-12
Principal: Jonathan Foy
More information
Visit the school website

Eagle Ocean Hill/Brownsville
1137 Herkimer Street
Brooklyn, NY 11233
Approximately 315 Students
Grades: 6-11
Principal: Rashad Meade
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Eagle Southeast, Queens
171-10 Linden Boulevard
Queens, NY 11434
Approximately 250 Students
Grades: 6-9
Principal: Kenyatte Reid
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Eagle Harlem
6 Edgecombe Avenue
Harlem, NY 10030
Approximately 85 Students
Grades: 6
Principal: Mahaliel Bethea
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Eagle Newark
66 Muhammad Ali Avenue
Newark, NJ 07108
Approximately 85 Students
Grades: 6-7
Principal: Vaughn Thompson
More information
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Eagle Staten Island
101 Warren Street
Staten Island, NY 10304
Approximately 80 Students
Grades: 6
Principal: Jermaine Cameron
More information
Visit the school website



If you are a parent or student and are interested in applying to an Eagle Academy public school, please click on the appropriate school website for more information.

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to be a part of the Eagle family, but it's worth it.”
- Eagle parent.
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