Eagle Academy for Young Men Bronx opened in 2004 and is our flagship campus, located in a new state of the art $50 million facility. Currently serving students from grade 9-12, Eagle Academy in the Bronx will be expanding to serve students from grades 6-8, with the first class of 6th graders beginning in September 2011.
More than 85% of Eagle South Bronx students graduated in 2010; nearly twice the city-wide graduation rates for African American males
Of that 85%, 90% attended 4-year colleges and/or universities.
In 2010, there were over 3000 applicants for 125 slots for the incoming 9th grade.
Eagle Bronx
4143 Third Avenue
Bronx, NY 10457
Approximately 445 students
Middle School Grades: 6-7
High School grades 9-12
Principal: Jonathan Foy
Visit the school website
If you are a parent or student and are interested in applying to an Eagle Academy public school, please go to the school website for more information.
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