Classroom Teacher
"Thank you so much for the opportunity to participate in the 2010 Save Our Sons national conference. You have taken what we as public school teachers have learned from personal experience to be true-that young boys need a different educational approach-and created a pedagogy and a methodology that are effective and can be immediately applied to my classroom. I look forward to sharing with my colleagues what I have learned at your conference."
Middle School Administrator
"What resonated with me about the Eagle Academy Foundation's Professional Development Institute is the real-world experience of the workshop speakers. The speakers are Eagle classroom teachers and administrators and they really understand the inner city kids we work with. It's not just theoretical objectives. The workshops are about effective, proven real-world strategies to engage young at-risk urban boys."
Public School Education Specialist
"There are so scholarly studies and research projects about the challenges Black and Latino boys face in the classroom. But there are precious few solutions, like the Eagle Academy model. I learned so much at the Eagle Academy "Save Our Sons" conference. I also had the chance to meet other educators working with inner city student populations. Lots of hard work in front of us, but invigorating to learn new practices from Eagle and to know I am not in this work alone."
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