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Results: The Eagle Academy Model Works

Middle School Results

84% of Eagle Academy in Ocean Hill/Brownsville, Brooklyn 8th graders are reading at or above grade level - up from 17% when they first entered the Academy as 6th graders.

25% of all eight graders have passed all three regents and 70% have passed at least one regents. NY State requires high school graduates to pass five exams in order to graduate from high school with the prestigious Regents Diploma.

Nearly 96% daily attendance at Eagle Academy in Southeast Queens.

High School Results

85% of seniors at the Eagle Academy for Young Men in the Bronx graduated in 2010, more than twice the city-wide graduation rate for African American males that year.

90% of Eagle Academy graduates go on to attend 4-year colleges and universities.

Eagle Academy graduates have been accepted to and matriculated in some of the nation's most prestigious universities and colleges, including the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, Carnegie Mellon University, Morehouse College, Skidmore College, and Syracuse University, to name just a few.

College Retention Results

Eagle Academy graduates are thriving in college, with retention rates averaging 84% for the three-most recent high school graduating classes (162 out of 192 recent graduates enrolled in college). This high retention rate is a strong indicator of Eagle Academy's success at preparing inner city young men for the academic and social rigors of higher education.

  • 83% of the Class of 2008 is actively pursuing college degrees three years after graduation (44 out of 53).
  • Nearly 87% of the Class of 2009 is attending college two years after graduation (52 out of 60)
  • 84% of the Class of 2010 continues to pursue their college degrees (66 of 79).

For more information on Eagle Academy results, please contact us here.


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“Our young men see themselves as eagles, with strength, courage, vision, and power. They aspire to the highest ideals.”
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