How to save young black men


Youth violence may not have spiked this past year in sheer numbers. But it sure feels like New York City and the country have been suffering from a fresh, vicious wave of teen violence. The alleged perpetrators have primarily been young men of color; the victims, most of them innocent bystanders, range in age from 5 to 92.

We can do something together to break this destructive cycle, but only if we begin by answering a simple yet profound question: Do we really care enough about our young people to stop them from killing one another?

Young men do not commit crimes simply because they have nothing better to do. Their immoral behavior rises out of specific circumstances.

Sometimes, the motivation is to secure their place in a gang, providing a sense of membership that offers them misguided self-esteem. Sometimes, it comes from a tragically misguided sense of power. Sometimes, it comes from being caught up in drugs. Sometimes, it comes from a sense of despair and hopelessness bred by a broken home and grim life and employment prospects.

If we're serious about building a better city for them and a safer city for the rest of us, we must move from describing and lamenting the problem to applying tested strategies to confront it. Now.

I've had my fill of conferences, panel discussions and commissions convened to analyze the problem. Analysis is valuable. But in a time of crisis, action is mandatory.

That time is now. The statistics are alarming. Eighty percent of those dropping out of high school today are boys of color. In New York City, the graduation rate for young minority-group men is below 40%. The U.S. Education Department tells us these boys represent 80% of those nationwide who misbehave in the classroom, 80% of children diagnosed with behavioral problems and 70% of children with learning disabilities.

Yet no program or national approach is being proposed to systematically address the problems facing these young men.

My experience as an educator tells me there are four pathways to success.

The first: We must create public schools that educate only boys. This is the most difficult and challenging population to educate, especially in our urban schools, and their needs are being inevitably neglected in co-ed environments.

Second, we must focus far more resources on boys at the high school level. The reason for this is that most schools give up on high schoolers because they believe that by the time these young men reach this level, the educational die is cast. We cannot succumb to such defeatism.