The goal of the Eagle Academy for Young Men's Mentoring Program is to develop well-structured and long term relationships between the students and adult males. Eagle mentors represent high levels of success in a variety of professions including law, financial services, medicine, criminal justice and entrepreneurship. Included in our mission is a commitment to "develop citizens of integrity who will become lifelong leaders" and we believe that this can be best accomplished by exposing the students to individuals that exhibit these characteristics. Research suggests that ties with a stable adult man, sustained over time, is an imperative for the academic and personal success of young men.
Every mentor is formally trained and undergoes a background check to achieve full certification. Mentors are matched to students (mentees) based on similar interests, which are determined from responses given by both parties. The Mentoring Coordinator is responsible for determining the best possible match, and ensuring that the relationship develops in a positive manner. Mentors are expected to spend a minimum of four hours per month with their mentees, and are encouraged to contact them weekly via telephone. The Academy has planned formal mentor/mentee activities throughout the course of the year, and each mentor is expected to report activities to the coordinator on a regular basis.
In addition to monthly mentor meetings, weekly memorandums are sent, via e-mail, to ensure that all mentors are kept abreast of all activities taking place at the school. Mentors are also contacted regarding their protégés academic performance so that consistent improvement can be made towards their eventual graduation. Mentors are strongly encouraged to plan activities with their protégés. We believe that the true essence of the mentoring relationship lies in the dynamic of constant communication between the student and mentor. In addition, we also provide a number of planned group activities to encourage shared mentoring and peer mentoring experiences.